States of Hope

states of hope maryville il

The States of Hope campaign started as a promise to Kellsie Marchbanks from me (her mom), that I would continue to Raise Awareness of Childhood Cancer. The States of Hope Campaign has been my birthday present to Kellsie the past 11 years. I stay HOPEFUL each year that we can raise awareness in all 50 states and turn all 50 states GOLD for Children with Cancer. For each $10 donation, the donor’s state will turn pink on the map.  Once a state’s donation reaches $200 the state will turn GOLD. If each state turns GOLD, Kellsie’s Hope Foundation will have raised $10,000!  But we need your help! To reach $10,000, we are asking you to please share with friends, family, and co-workers Kellsie’s story and our goal. 20 of your friends donating $10 will turn the state you are from GOLD, that is a small ask.

By sharing, you are also helping KHF carry on its mission to increase awareness of Childhood Cancers.

Starting June 8th, donate and help us reach our goal. In honor of Kellsie’s Birthday on July 6th, we will unveil the map and we are HOPEFUL that we will see GOLD!  Donations will continue through September (Childhood Cancer Awareness Month). Make sure to tell us what state you are donating from.

Go GOLD for childhood cancer

Donation Received

$200 or more in donations


$16,724.83 $20,000
$ 0

 Raised So Far